Variator de turatie tip SV 10 80B5 (200/19) B5 200-1000rpm(1400rpm intrare)


232,00 €

Tesatura din fibra de sticla teflonata adeziva 0,35mm
Tesatura din fibra de sticla teflonata adeziva 0,35mm
42,00 €
42,00 €
Tabla perforata din otel 0,5x1000x2500 mm R5 T7,5
Tabla perforata din otel 0,5x1000x2500 mm R5 T7,5
25,00 €
25,00 €

Variator de turatie tip SV 10 80B5 (200/19) B5 200-1000rpm(1400rpm intrare)
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Gabarit motor (PAM) 90
Tip variator 10